Thursday, November 13, 2014

Week 11

I'm not sure I found the reading this week particular inspiring in relation to the readings of the past couple of weeks -- it was a lot of specific daily life and human interaction description. I think I much preferred learning about the musicians themselves (I.e.: Leadbelly's biography and history were interesting and learned a lot of background on how he was received and how he carried himself in the musical world. 
However, the reading, personally, was not something I think that furthers the context of the blues music -- a lot of words just to say that the blues music is the musical expression of feeling, of hard times, and the community created a sense of family within the blues world. 
What did catch my attention was the hospitality of the black families. They welcomed Ferris with kindness, a place to stay, people to talk to. He was unofficially inducted into the blues family, regardless of race. That touched me, especially in the time we live in now, where everyone pretty much keeps to themselves until they need something from someone else. But this community actively welcomed strangers into the lives.
I thought it was slightly amusing how the blacks were confused about the record player and refused to speak when the music was playing, in fear of the white people listening into their conversations.

I thought Careless Love was interesting because it shares some of the same lyrics as Goodnight Irene. "You cause me to weep, you cause me to mourn." It's a very sad song, talking about loving until one loses his mind, death, digging one's grave.

For this week, I chose Sweet Home Chicago. However, I tried to put it in today's context.

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